Girls Camp Save the Date.png

We are excited for 2021 YW Camp! We look forward to a lot of fun camp activities including strengthening our testimonies of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope all Young Women in our Stake will make every effort to come and join us!!

Please review all of the information below. If you have questions, please contact your Ward Camp Coordinator.

REMEMBER to come back to the web page frequently. We will be adding new information frequently as we get closer to camp. The most current information will always be here on the web site.

Registration ONLINE has been closed. Please email if you wish to register.

Cost: The Stake is requesting $45 contribution for each young women. Kindly fill the “OTHER” option on a tithing slip with “Girls’ Camp” and submit it to any member of your Bishopric. We want all eligible girls to join the 2021 Young Women camp. If you have any concerns on the cost, your unit leaders are willing to help you


Wednesday, August 4

  • Drop Off Time: 10AM

  • Pick Up Time: 6PM

  • Location: Sleeping Giant State Park

  • Address: 200 Mt. Carmel Ave., Hamden CT, 06518

Thursday, August 5

  • Drop Off Time: 10AM

  • Pick Up Time: 6PM

  • Location: Walnut Beach

  • Address: 113 East Broadway, Milford, CT

Friday, August 6

  • Drop Off Time: 12NN

  • Pick Up Time: 9PM

  • Address: 73 Orchard Road, Woodbridge, CT



COVID 19 Management

Participant Responsibilities

Stay home if you feel sick. Participants and leaders are not eligible to participate if they (1) have had symptoms associated with COVID-19 within the past 48 hours, (2) have tested positive for COVID-19 and not yet completed required isolation, or (3) have had direct close contact with someone with COVID-19 and have not yet been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or completed required quarantine.

Wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth as directed by camp leaders. Participants should provide their own mask(s). Participants may choose to wear a mask in any setting.

Monitor your health daily and immediately self-report to your camp leader any COVID-19 symptoms that arise during the program session.

Follow instructions, including those related to physical distancing, mask wearing, isolation or quarantine, and testing.

Parents’ Responsibilities

Do not bring or send youth to the program if they (1) have had symptoms associated with COVID-19 within the past 48 hours, (2) have tested positive for COVID-19 and not yet completed isolation, or (3) have had direct close contact with someone with COVID-19 and have not yet been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or completed required quarantine.

Promptly retrieve youth from the camp upon notification that they are exhibiting symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, or have had direct close contact with a confirmed case (and have not previously been fully vaccinated against COVID-19).

Young Women Camp Guide

Click on the graphic to link to the NEW camp guide booklet on LDS.ORG

Click on the graphic to link to the NEW camp guide booklet on LDS.ORG


Handbook 2.jpg

Handbook 2 - Section 10.8.9

Funding for an Annual Camp

If the ward budget does not have sufficient funds to pay for an annual Young Women camp or similar activity, leaders may ask participants to pay for part or all of it. If funds from participants are not sufficient, the bishop may authorize one group fund-raising activity each year that complies with the guidelines in 13.6.8.

In no case should the expenses or travel for an annual camp or similar activity be excessive. Nor should the lack of personal funds prohibit a member from participating.